Countless Beginnings

In life we often dwell on the end – the end of a relationship, a career, a season, a year. While the ending of something is a part of life, we should try to focus on beginnings. Each day presents us with the opportunity to renew our hopes and our strengths. The end of anything we may have in life, presents us with the opportunity for a wonderful and glorious beginning of something that we may have never had before.    

Today let’s be motivated to embracing new beginnings and all the hope and possibilities they bring. A little motivation is all we need!

Congratulate Yourself

When we have made accomplishments in life, we need to congratulate ourselves. Whether our accomplishments are small victories or major milestones, we need to recognize our ability to set a goal, work hard at it and finally complete it. Congratulating ourselves doesn’t mean that our work is done. It means that we are proud of our ability to succeed.

Let it Go

If it hurts instead of soothes – let it go.

If it sickens instead of heals – let it go.

If it disrespects instead of honors us – let it go.

If it brings worries instead of peace – let it go.

If it causes frowns instead of smiles – let it go.

If it causes confusion instead of calm – let it go.  

If it causes despair instead of hope – let it go.

If it causes doubt instead of confidence – let it go.  

If it causes fear instead of love – let it go.

Today, let’s be motivated to letting go of all the things that keep us back. A little motivation is all we need.

FYI: I’m Single

A few months ago I was having a conversation with a male colleague. The conversation veered into our weekend sleeping habits, and I happened to mention that my daughter still sleeps with me. “Your daughter sleeps with you!” my colleague exclaimed in great disbelief. I was shocked at his outburst. His comment made me feel like an incestuous monster that was doing something wrong. So I began explaining how I would put my two-year-old daughter into her own bed, in her own room, only to have her wake up in the wee hours of the morning calling for me. I explained to my co-worker that for my own sanity and good night’s rest, I’ve let my child who is only 26 months old sleep with me.

After explaining away, I started to wonder if in fact I was doing something wrong by allowing this co-sleeping habit. Now, it wasn’t like I had not tried to get her to sleep in her own room and her own bed. As a matter of fact I had succeeded in this feat when she was about 8 months old. But somewhere along the line children develop stuffy noses, coughs and the such. It is so much easier to monitor a sick baby when they are right next to you…. The problem is that after a child regresses into any behavior, it’s back to square one with the re-programing. To make a long story short….she was back in my bed. Not that this was any of my co-worker’s business – a male co-worker at that. But for some reason his comment bothered me, so I decided to do some research.

What I found out is that parents often let their children co-sleep with them into the toddler years. But SINGLE MOTHERS are more likely to allow their children to sleep in their beds. Then it dawned on me! My colleague must not know that I’m single! Finally it all made sense! He surely had known what happened with my daughter’s father. He probably thought I was dating by now. So here I am, a young sexy woman who is also a mother. My co-worker obviously believes that I have steamy love life! Of course no children would be allowed in the bedroom of a vixen! (Yep, I got ego tripping.) Then I started to wonder just how many other men wrongly think that I’m in a relationship! “Oh no. This isn’t good for someone who doesn’t plan on being single for much longer,” I thought to myself. As for my two-year old, she has moved out of my room. And for your information: I’m single.